Monday, December 17, 2007

The Day after.....

Those who know me, can vouch for the fact that this is the first blog entry I have ever written. Well the situation demands it . Thespo-9 is done. We all are back to our lives, as they were before Thespo. I haven't slept well for around 15 days now and I find myself wondering what our next project could be, crazy huh ....

About Thespo, hmmm .. what should I say. For me it was 4 days of "Blast in the past", .. The useless pampering of the cast.. the resilient and never say die attitude of the prod... the Hyper diro.... the cold feet first timers... and the gregarious me..

I somehow always love the production guys.. They run around for you .. they treat you like a prince .. never complain, never say no .... and how ever well I act I always feel I can never match the perfection they attain with the stage ,process and everything.. I remember one of the photographers asking me if the cast also had the "Mashaal" T-shirts and I answered... "We are yet to earn them.. The production team already has... " . I think that says it all , they have earned their respect even before the cast gets up on the stage and tries to screw things up. Well then 3 cheers to Naph and his team .(i wanted to write the names, but I dare not miss any names.. so... :) )

What do you say about a , guy who sits with 10 Bitsiaans , is the target of most of their jokes (becoz he's from IIT) and still looks a part of the group. Well ... you call him "sssaaalaa IITian" ;). Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome Ayush Ghai .. best supporting actor Thespo '07 .
Ayush seldom came on time for practices , and the reasons could vary from ...
- Got locked in my house
- Didn't find my bike keys
- There was no petrol in my bike
- Had to go to Gurgaon in the dead of the night.(Contact Ayush for details)
- The alarm rang at 6:15 (I always wondered , why the F is it set at 6:15 for a practice that was supposed to start at 6)
- The alarm didn't ring ( Again WTF)
- I didn't hear the alarm ( I have had enough of the profanity. so you can imagine it wherever it is apt..)
- I was talking to "someone" late in the night and hence couldn't get up...
The list goes on..
But somehow you forgot this when you saw the guy slog his butt off. I have personally loved guys (now the truth is out ;), sorry Danu ) who don't believe in half measures , who'd rather go down with their guns blazing, than sneak away in the dark. Well I think Ayush is such a guy, and you would know what I mean if you saw him alone on the night of 15th , outside the flat, practicing his scene. again and again and again .. and again..
Well Ayush you have made MASHAAL proud, but remember the IIT jokes will continue ;)

Hyperactive and lost at the same time... I think this is what would describe Nidhi (or Titli as I call her). I always knew my jokes are absurd but I never found them so difficult to explain, like this time around with Titli.
One thing I noticed about Titli is that she's got very sharp ears .. hear me out before you die laughing ;) The problem is that she's always trying to hear what is NOT being said to her. She'd sit in front of you nodding at your blabbering , while all her attention is on the 2 guys who are talking at the far end of the room.
Another ability she has, is to ask questions which are valid but have nothing to do with the ongoing discussion... and you should see Raheem's face when she'd do that...
But at the end of the day you'd love to have her around.. she's bubbly , full of energy.. fun to be with and doesn't take offense too easily (For me that's a God's Gift in a girl). She's a great actress when she feels like it,(thank GOD she did on 17th, that explains her nomination for the best actress award)
And by the way when you meet her next time .. ask her to imitate my dance steps... It's a killer...

Raheem, Prat , Kim, Chacha, Bang,, Rajesh, Rachana , Gabbar , Gade.... what do I say about them . I can go on for another couple of hours , but I just realized that I keep blabbering even when I am writing.. So i'll sign off


Doga said...

Whoa!! what a description...

Its good that now Ayush's secret is out in the open...after reading this I wish to see this play...please lemme know if you'll stage it again somewhere...

harit said...

Congrats Mashaal Team!!

great efforts by the poeple as everyone can see..

Also Ghai Saale tu sahi mein aalsi hai..sotdu hai..but again to the matter of fact he is really talented,hardworking and got the right team to work with

wish to see your play in bangalore...perform smtime ASAP..will definitely come...

+ Harit Himanshu